34th Annual Congress
of the European College
of Gerodontology
6-7 June 2024, Belgrade, Serbia
In collaboration with
School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade
ECG Congress 2024 invites abstract submissions relating to “New frontiers in Gerodontology”. The presentation formats available are Poster presentation. Abstracts are accepted from both ECG and non-ECG members. Each poster presenter is requested to deliver a short oral presentation in a very compact format: 5 minutes (set of 3 slides) , either in person or virtually.
Abstracts to be considered for ECG Congress 2024 must be submitted by the May 9, 2024.
If your abstract is accepted, you need to register before the May 26, 2024. If you have not registered before this date, the abstract will be recalled.
All abstracts must be submitted via the abstract form.
- Abstracts must report on original research or case report.
- Abstracts should be submitted as MS Word documents prepared as per instructions provided in the:
- Abstract is max 300 words.
- Previously published abstracts (in print or electronically) or those presented at another meeting are not allowed.
- Abstracts will be considered only if the guidelines are respected.
- Individuals may present only one abstract. Individuals can co-author multiple abstracts. You must receive the approval of all co-authors before putting their names on the abstract.
- All registered participants (presenting author or co-author) will receive a ‘certificate of attendance’.
- Presenters must disclose any potential personal or co-author conflict of interest and financial relationships with companies, to the best knowledge of the presenter.
- If a presenter wants to update their abstract – it should submit new abstract and send an email to Secretariat to remove the previous one stated the Abstract ID.
- Typographical or grammatical errors that appear in your abstract submission will also appear in the final online Scientific Program.
- The official acceptance/rejection notifications will be emailed on or around May 14, 2024 to all abstract submitters.
- All communication will take place via email to the presenting author.
- Presentations will be selected based on the scientific quality judged from the abstract. An impartial panel of reviewers will evaluate the content of each abstract, whose decision is final.
If you register for the Virtual participation you also have the opportunity to send in an abstract for a poster. Virtual participants use the same abstract submission form as in-person participants. More information about presentation format will be sent out to accepted posters after the review process.
Authors should prepare the presentation in one to three (1-3) slides in PPT or PPTX (PowerPoint) presentation version for Office 2013-2016.
Posters will be presented orally and the time of presentation should not exceed five (5) minutes maximum with 3 minutes discussion time. The presenting authors are advised not to exceed the scheduled timetable.
The first slide should include Title, Name(s), Affiliation(s) and country of author(s).
The Content of the E-poster should include Background/Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusions (Original research). For Case reports the E-poster should include Background/Aim, Case report, Conclusion.
NO video or animation to be included into E-Posters.
All presentations have to be in English language.
Presenting authors are obliged to send us their presentation in via an official email: ecg2024@congrexpo.co.rs up to May 31st 2024.
In addition, please, inform us if you are eligible for one of the three rewards for best posters at the Congress (the best young gerodontology researcher (35 years or younger), the best original research or the best case report).
If you need to request a presenter change or withdraw your abstract you are required to inform us via an official email: ecg2024@congrexpo.co.rs until May 31st 2024.
If you are virtual delegate, you should record a short presentation according to previous guidelines and to send us MP4 file. Guidelines for recording with slides directly from the Power Point are following:
- The presenter turns on the option to record within Power Point to record the complete presentation by changing the slides according to the course of the presentation. During the presentation, she/he speaks into his microphone (or uses a microphone that is already integrated into the computer or notebook);
- Recording a lecture in Power Point can be performed by selecting Slide Show > Record Slide Show in the main menu
- The lecture recorded in this way needs to be exported in .MP4 format and sent to us for further processing. Exporting can be performed by selecting File > Export and then selecting the desired File Format (MP4)
- We recommend that the resolution be W 1920, H 1080
- The Use Recorded Timings and Narrations option needs to be ON. Then click EXPORT
Send us the MP4 file thus created for further processing.
Presenting authors are obliged to send us their presentation in via an official email: ecg2024@congrexpo.co.rs up to May 31st 2024.
Congress Scientific Committee will choose the best posters in three categories: